About the Journal

The journal Realidades Educativas Entrelazadas, REE, is an international and multidisciplinary electronic journal (online) of works with an impact on higher education.

The journal Realidades Educativas Entrelazadas aims to be an open and reliable platform for refereed and indexed works of research, dissemination and divulgation with impact in the field of higher education. 

The target audience is constituted by the international community of researchers, undergraduate and graduate students and scholars interested in a permanent or specific way in the subjects and approaches of the different accepted disciplines.


Multidisciplinary subject matter


Its thematic scope covers research in the following disciplines:


  • Social sciences: law, economics, statistics, research, tourism, politics and sociology.
  • Sciences related to the human cognitive system: psychology and education.
  • Applied sciences: health sciences and humanities, agricultural sciences, informatics and telecommunications, architecture, engineering and technology.
  • Administration, business and accounting.

Articles are accepted in Spanish and English, which are peer-reviewed and published in open access.