Ethics and good editorial practices

In order to ensure a harmonious relationship between the parties involved and guarantee the quality of the contents, Revista Realidades Educativas Entrelazadas (REE) urges authors, reviewers, as well as the members of the Editorial Committee and the Scientific Committee, to maintain standards of intellectual and scientific integrity. 

Obligations of the Editor:

Consult the Editorial Committee to resolve problems related to the journal's editorial policy.

To give an official certificate to the reviewers for each opinion issued.

To take care of the validity of the journal's legal records.

Ensure that the publication process complies with copyright regulations.

Manage the material and human resources before the corresponding institutions for the proper functioning of the journal.

Duties of the Editorial Committee:

To select and assign the reviewers of the papers received by the journal, based on their experience as researchers of the corresponding subject matter.

Communicate to the authors the results of the evaluation process to which the work received by the journal has been submitted.

To keep the identity of the reviewers confidential.

Reject those collaboration proposals that are published in other printed or electronic journals, as well as those that constitute total or partial plagiarism.

Carry out a basic review of the papers received before sending them for external review and notify the authors of this decision.

Resolve conflicts that may arise in the evaluation and editing process, based on the recommendations of the Committee on Publications Ethics (COPE).

Propose initiatives that lead to an improvement of the journal in its different aspects: quality, visibility, presentation.

To assist in the editing process.

Obligations of reviewers:

Declare and explain, if any, a conflict of interest to make their opinion.

To treat under terms of confidentiality the text whose review has been assigned to them.

Maintain secrecy of their participation as reviewer even after the work has been published.

Not to transfer their role as reviewer to other researchers.

Issue their verdict according to the merits and/or weaknesses of the assigned text, based on the opinion form available to them.

Send the results of their evaluation within the period established by the journal.

Not to quote or copy the text entrusted to them.

For more information on the process, please refer to Peer Review Process.

Authors' obligations:

Send unpublished collaborative proposals, which are not in other editorial processes.

Follow the publication guidelines stipulated by Revista REE.

Correct, expand or improve their texts, once they have been accepted for publication, taking into account the reviewers' observations.

Send corrections of their texts within the period requested by the journal.


The following behaviors are considered unacceptable:


Plagiarism: failure to cite or otherwise acknowledge in any writing, essay, exercise, written examination, project, practical work submitted for grading, of ideas, phrases or sentences taken from another source such as a published text, another person's work, internet materials unless authorship is obvious from the context. You can read more about this in our ANTI-PLAGIARISM POLICY.

Self-plagiarism: the submission of the same or substantial portions of the same work in more than one graded exercise without the explicit permission of the professors concerned.

Presentation of another's work: presentation of work as one's own when it has been prepared by or commissioned to another.

Cheating: giving, receiving, assisting, or making unauthorized use of information from any written source, another person, written work of another, or any other source during an examination.

Falsification of a paper: falsifying or tampering with information, evidence or other material on an examination or paper to be graded.

Impermissible collaboration: the participation of third parties, graded or ungraded, in the preparation of the paper or papers to be graded.



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